Most engineers have git aliases; what are yours?

Summary: Typing is hard. Here are my git aliases.

I like typing on the command-line. Even after a decade of programming, it still makes me feel like a hacker. I'm not someone who needs a fancy GUI; I can type a few quick commands and bam!—my computer does something powerful. And it's fun to clicky-clack my way through a long CLI command.

But git tests my limits. At first, it was fun to type out git pull --rebase origin master or git push origin HEAD.[1] And the first twenty times I was able to write nine git commands and get a commit cherry-picked onto a different branch, I felt pretty clever. After years of writing those exact same commands, I finally started putting them into git aliases.

And I'm not alone. Most engineers I've worked with have set up aliases for their own workflows, and it's always interesting to see how they've automated things. One of my old co-workers even includes delete commands in his aliases to make sure old branches are getting cleaned up appropriately. And he writes beautifully clear commit messages too. He's an inspiration.

The ability to set up aliases like this is one of the reasons I love the CLI; while a GUI might be easier at first, the CLI lets me build something that's perfect for me. I can combine git with other CLI tools like fzf or gh to build the precise tool that meets my needs. The git aliases I'm going to share probably won't work for you, but they will hopefully inspire you to build your own tools that fit you perfectly.

Finally, if you're not yet comfortable with git, I'd stronly recommend against setting up many aliases like this, especially if you're copying someone else's aliases. I run dangerous commands that make sense for my workflow, but those same commands could easily create a nightmare for you, especially if you don't understand what they're doing.[2] Learn git first, figure out your own workflow, and only then start to build your own tools.

My git aliases

I don't actually use the git alias feature for any of these commands. I instead find it easier to set up commands by creating shell functions in my ~/.zshrc. Aside from being easier to set up, if I'm ever pairing with someone, I don't want them to be confused about whether git go is an actual git command or one of my custom commands; it's clear from the name that gitgo isn't baked into git.

gitgo: how I switch branches

If you've never used fzf, "the command-line fuzzy-finder," you're missing out. It's a beautifully fast tool to quickly filter anything you'd like: files, git branches, history, or processes.

function gitgo () {
  git checkout $(git branch --sort=-committerdate | fzf)

gr: how I pull to get up to date with master/main

git pull --rebase origin main isn't terribly long to type, but it's frustrating to type master/main in a repo and realize that I've typed the wrong one. I now type gr to pull and rebase against the correct one:

function gr () {
    git pull --rebase $(git symbolic-ref refs/remotes/origin/HEAD --short | sed 's|/| |')
# note: if you have oh-my-zsh's git plugin installed, you'll need a different name for this (or to manually override it)
# because it conflicts with one of that plugin's aliases

gp: How I push and automatically open up PRs

Anytime I push a branch, I always want to open up a pull-request so that CI/CD checks can start running. Github's CLI gh makes it simple to open up the PR automatically.

function gp () {
  # --force-with-lease is necessary because I regularly rebase
  git push origin HEAD --force-with-lease
  if gh pr view > /dev/null; then
    return 0
  gh pr create --fill

Having an alias for pushing also gives you a good spot to add any extra checks that you'd like. As an example, while developing something, it's sometimes expendient to add an if true:, an early return, or to comment out a block of code. When doing that, most folks will add a comment like // TODO: super dangerous! make sure to undo, but it's possible to miss a todo like that! When I work on a repo, I like to add a quick search for DEV_ONLY to the codebase's git hooks to short-circuit any pushes and update linting to fail any builds that include that string, so that I can make those changes with confidence.

If I were ever working in a repo where people disliked this practice, I'd probably edit my little script to include this check:

function gp () {
  if git grep DEV_ONLY; then
    echo "exiting because DEV_ONLY was present in the codebase";
    return 1

I wouldn't want to set this up as a global git hook because I quite like having repo-specific shared git hooks. For NodeJS projects, I normally use husky to set up repo-specific shared git hooks.

granch: How I create new branches

When I create a new branch, I always want it to be based on the most up-to-date version of the primary branch of the repo:

function granch () { branch_name=$1
  git fetch $(git symbolic-ref refs/remotes/origin/HEAD --short | sed 's|/| |')
  git checkout -b "$branch_name" "$(git symbolic-ref refs/remotes/origin/HEAD --short)"
  git push --set-upstream origin "$branch_name"

This would be shorter if I didn't work on repos that had both master and main as the primary branch.

git clean -fdx: Have you tried turning it off and on again?

I don't actually have this one aliased, but it's one of my favorite git commands. It removes everything that git doesn't know about from a repo, which is a great way to get back to a clean slate. Most repos have some amount of cached local data (built files, dependencies) and resetting that data can fix some problems.[3]

git_oops: go back to the version of a file on the trunk

function git_oops () {
  git fetch
  git checkout $(git symbolic-ref refs/remotes/origin/HEAD --short) -- $0

This is another one that I don't actually have set up as an alias, because it's a short command and I'll sometimes want to choose the branch or ref to grab my files from.

More alias ideas

git_yoink: Stick the last commit into a better spot

I'll often work on a branch and run into a small annoyance that I want to fix. I'd rather have that fix on a different branch; it means we can land it faster and have a conversation about that proposed change separately from the proposal of whatever else I'm working on.

I'll normally create a new branch based off of the primary branch of the repo, use git add -p to commit only the fix, and then head back to the branch I'm currently working on. I'm testing out a new function that lets me write git_yoink branch-name-for-my-fix that takes my last commit, plops it on to a new branch, and then gets me back to my current state:

function git_yoink () { new_branch=$1
  # stashing local state
  local should_pop_stash=false
  git add .
  if ! git diff --cached --name-only --exit-code; then
    git stash push

  # grabbing the commit
  commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD)

  # for when things inevitably go wrong :)
  echo "current state: commit=${commit}, branch=${git branch --show-current}, new_branch=${branch_name}"
  git status

  # granch "$new_branch"
  git fetch $(git symbolic-ref refs/remotes/origin/HEAD --short | sed 's|/| |')
  git checkout -b "$branch_name" "$(git symbolic-ref refs/remotes/origin/HEAD --short)"
  git push --set-upstream origin "$branch_name"

  # adding the commit on to the branch I created based on master
  git cherry-pick "$commit"

  # gp
  git push origin HEAD
  if command -v gh &> /dev/null && ! gh pr view > /dev/null; then
    gh pr create --fill

  # go back to previous state
  git checkout -
  git reset --hard HEAD^
  if [[ "$should_pop_stash" -eq "true" ]]; then
    git stash pop

Be careful with this function. I just started using it, so it's not well tested. And if it fails halfway through, you'll need to understand what it's doing well enough to get yourself back to a clean state. Like most of this code, I'm sharing it as for inspiration for the kind of things you can do—not as an example to copy!

Augmenting and simplifying git commit

When I git blame, I often find that I was the villian who wrote hundreds of lines of abstruse code accompanied only by a myterious commit message like "perf improvement" or "fix messaging bug." Past-Will was a monster. Over the years, I've gotten better at including more of the details necessary to recreate my thought process, but it's something that takes discipline.[4] I keep meaning to semi-automate it for myself by pulling current project info and including that project info on my commit. Here's a quick example of what that might look like if I were to pull data from Asana:

ASANA_ACCESS_TOKEN="2/super_secret_pat" #

# I found asana's API annoying to work with, so this doesn't filter to my personal tasks or anything like that
function get_asana_tasks () {
  # to find SECTION_ID: `curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $ASANA_ACCESS_TOKEN" "$PROJECT_ID/sections" | jq .`

  # I can never remember jq's syntax, even with LLM help, so I use
  # compared to jq, it's worse in every possible way except that it uses NodeJS syntax I can actually remember
  local SECTION_ID='456789'
  curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer ${ASANA_ACCESS_TOKEN}" "${SECTION_ID}" |\
    jq -c -r '.data[]' |\
    nq -o '({ gid, name }) => `${gid} ${name}`'

function git_commit () { local message=$0
  asana_deets=$(get_asana_tasks | fzf)
  git commit -m "${message}\n ${asana_link}"

If we wanted to take this even further, we could even use an LLM to explain the diff of the commit in the context of whatever project management tool and docs we've linked to. It wouldn't surprise me if there's already a startup out there that charges $10/developer/month that's trying to provide beautiful git commits as a service.

And for what it's worth, this is probably about the point that I'd switch from writing this in the shell using a language like python or NodeJS. There's no reason to limit ourselves to bash/zsh when building personal tools!

Watch github builds

To watch the result of CI builds, I normally use a custom info-radiator. But it's pretty straightforward to build something simple to keep an eye on the status of your branches. If you use github actions, here's what a terrible version of a CLI-based info-radiator might look like:

# I don't think this will get you rate-limited, but I haven't tested it
# it also relies on nq (npm install -g node-fn-query) because I'm too lazy to write this only using jq
function gwatch () {
  workflow_name=$(gh workflow list --json path | jq -r '.[] | .path' | sed -r 's|.+/||' | fzf)
  me=$(gh api user -q .login) # you can hardcode this if you'd like :)
  while true; do
    gh run list --workflow "$workflow_name" -u "$me" --json createdAt,status,conclusion,headBranch |\
      nq '_.flow(_.orderBy("createdAt", "desc"), _.uniqBy("headBranch"), => `${c.headBranch}: status: ${c.status} conclusion: ${c.conclusion}`))' |\
      jq -r '.[]'
    sleep 60

Just show me the code

If you've read the rest of this post, there's nothing new here! Just adding this section for folks who want to jump to some code first.

function gitgo () {
    git checkout $(git branch --sort=-committerdate | fzf)
function gp () {
  git push origin HEAD --force-with-lease
  if gh pr view > /dev/null; then
    return 0
  gh pr create --fill
function gr () {
    git pull --rebase $(git symbolic-ref refs/remotes/origin/HEAD --short | sed 's|/| |')
function granch () { branch_name=$1
  git fetch $(git symbolic-ref refs/remotes/origin/HEAD --short | sed 's|/| |')
  git checkout -b "$branch_name" "$(git symbolic-ref refs/remotes/origin/HEAD --short)"
  git push --set-upstream origin "$branch_name"

That was a lot of words for a pretty small block of code, huh?

  1. And then type git pull --rebase origin main because this repo uses main rather than master. ↩︎

  2. But if you do mess things up, don't lose hope! The reflog command can let you fix almost any mistake: The "ref log" gives you a log of all previous states that you can go back to. ↩︎

  3. In an ideal world, you'd be able to figure out what local state went sideways and fix whatever went wrong permanently! But it's good to give people an option to do the repo equivalent of "have you tried restarting your computer?" ↩︎

  4. A while ago, I chatted with a founder of a startup that was working on turning code-bases into an AI-backed knowledge base that you could ask questions to. It sounded pretty cool! She came from a Jira-heavy background where every commit and change had to be linked to Jira tickets; the idea that a large change might only have a message like "fix bug on login" horrified her. And she was totally right; commits should have far more information than that, but best practices are hard to follow 100% of the time unless that best practice is automated. ↩︎